One way to get the most accurate addresses possible is to use an international address verification API. These services make it possible to verify addresses on websites or clean up customer databases. Currently, 20 percent of online addresses contain errors. You can also use address verification to provide personalized checkout messages for customers. The required fields are highlighted in bold. In addition, international address verification APIs provide results that are intended for reference purposes only. The results of a test run are generally not accurate.
The data returned by an international address verification API is verified in an official address database. Then the response is sent to the transaction processing software, which determines what action to take next. Most services offer a free trial period, so there's no reason to not sign up. If you're a new user, many services offer a free address verification API. This allows you to perform the verification in a working console. It also provides reliable data in real time.
A typical international address verification API will cost you around $0.15 per lookup. Considering that the service is free, this may seem like a steep price to pay for instant results. But it's worth it to have this service. It will ensure that you're not wasting your money on an incorrect address. Whether it's a U.S. street address or a foreign address, an international address verification API will ensure its accuracy.